Worldwide Registration of Trademarks using Madrid Protocol

Worldwide Registration of Trademarks using Madrid Protocol
International Trademark Registration, Filing and Protection

The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty that permits a trademark owner to make application of protection in the Madrid Union having 112 members and 128 countries (contracting party) in a cost effective manner. The Madrid Protocol allows trademark owner single set of fees and single application. The protocol is regulated by the International Bureau of World Intellectual Property Read More


The blog highlights the interpretation of section 28 of Indian Patent Act, 1970 which is not as straightforward as it seems. We are all familiar with provisions of section 28 which is “Mention of inventor as such in patent”. The logical explanation of the section seems straight forward i.e. if you are an inventor and have made substantial contribution to the invention then even … Read More

Industrial Design in India – Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

Industrial design registration in IPR

What is Industrial Design?

The industrial design registration in India recognizes the creation new and original three dimensional features such as new shape of an article, configuration, surface pattern, ornamentations or two dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colour applied to articles which in the finished state appeal to and is judged solely by the eye. The protection of … Read More

Trademark | Intellectual Property | General FAQs

Trademarks – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Trademark?

A trademark is a sign that identifies and distinguish certain goods and services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise.

According to Section 2 (zb) of The TradeMark Act, 1999, “trade mark” means a “mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one … Read More