A patent application may contain drawings, patent drawings or patent illustration, primarily used for illustrating an invention, its specific embodiments or differentiating over the prior art. Drawings that comply with the formalities of the patent office specifications are essential in obtaining a granted utility or design patent from the patent office, which is why it is important avoid mistakes while creating or drawing them.
Reasons for Objections on Patent Drawings
Major reasons of objections on patent drawings by a patent office are :-
- Failure to comply with formality issues; and
- Inconsistency.
“Failure to comply with formality issues”
There are standard formalities and rules to provide drawings with a utility and design patent application, such as
- Duly filled Application Forms (for design patent or industrial design registration)
- Disclosing appropriate classification based on Locarno Classification (for design patent or industrial design registration)
- Properly signed application either by the applicant or by his authorized agent/legal representative (for design patent or industrial design registration and utility patent)
It is observed that 90% of the applications are objected on formality
issues. These discrepancies cause undue delay in the disposal of applications and amount to unnecessary harassment.
Inconsistent drawings will not be granted by the patent office and declared invalid during examination.
Inconsistency found in patent drawings are:-
- Missing necessary figures;
- Missing lead lines;
- Wrong paper size;
- Wrong size margins;
- Missing sheet numbers and total number of sheets; and
- Wrong claim structure.
If an application has been objected because of problems with the patent drawing, don’t despair: such problems can usually be fixed.
Consistent drawings that comply with all patent office specifications are essential to getting an application approved by the patent office. One of the best ways to avoid problems with objected drawings is to use a person or firm that has a lot of experience with patent drawings.
Videaim IP provides all services related to patent drawings for utility and design patent application that can significantly reduce the time taken for registration. To learn about all services we offers, contact us through our website.